Success Stories

"Wealth is Giving Myself Options": How Marisa Gained Financial Empowerment

MARISA'S story
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How Kat Conquered Her Debt on Unemployment + Unlocked Financial Security

Kat's story
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Dow Janes Financial Education Coach Kat
Happy Million Dollar Year program participant Amy E
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I'm confident that once my debt is paid off, I will begin investing and the snowball effect from that will carry me towards the future I deserve. It's also provided a framework for conversations with my husband about finances. Our overall household budget has improved considerably."

Amy E.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I know exactly how much I need to save for an early retirement and how to invest according to my values. This has moved me from a mindset of fear and scarcity to one of empowerment and abundance."

Jennifer M.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I’m learning to not be afraid to talk about money, to know my worth, and to not be afraid of being successful."

Stephanie B.

Trusted by 20,000 Women+ Like You

Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"Having the opportunity to have my questions met with a respectful and full answers by the MDY coaches has contributed to my confidence building and my competence.  I think that the wins that will come from this going forward are going to be exponential and unquantifiable. Knowledge of this sort is so freeing. More and more I'm associating my finances with curiosity, pride, motivation and excitement. I'm feeling much more confident in my financial decisions."

Alice F.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I didn't know much and I was very intimidated by the very thought of investing. I had no idea where to start, how much I'd need, or what was a smart investment for my situation. I decided to join because I'm a grown-ass woman and I should be able to understand it! And after doing MDY, I knew it would be a good program and give me what I need. (And it did!)My favorite thing is the confidence I've gained. This is not scary to me any more."

Sandy R
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I am becoming more confident in my financial literacy. I feel very supported by this wonderful community of women. I never feel alone. When I get stressed I remind myself to go to the course and follow the steps and that everything doesn’t have to be done all at once."

Amanda C
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"It feels good to be making intentional choices about money. It is a great way to get a foundation of financial literacy. The information is valuable and the program walks you through step by step. It is worth every penny!"

Elise B
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I've made a lot of big moves since starting! I am much more mindful and present with my financial situation. My decisions are strategic and I am more serious about turning my life around. I get more rest knowing that I am making small moves that will have positive impacts for the rest of my life."

Jennifer S.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"The program helps me see how I can work with my money, instead of just working FOR it. Money is becoming like a third arm-amplifying what I can do. "

Tracy T
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I have stepped out of a resentful and hopeless mindset and feel more empowered and confident that I can create my own financial story and successfully achieve the life that I want. I'm learning so much and TAKING ACTION."

Jamie P
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I actually ENJOY managing my money now. I really hated looking at my accounts before, but now I look at them with curiosity. It's like I'm playing a game to see how fast I can make my money grow.
I check in on everything a few times a week as I listen to recordings in the training vault. I took a leap of faith and joined and think all the time about how I'm SO glad I didn't wait. It's already changing my life in so many ways just four months in. No regrets! I tell all my friends about it."

Emily F
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"The short, clear lessons make what feels like an intimidating topic so approachable! I appreciate that INI looks a the whole picture and digs into the emotions and values of money. A different program I did made me feel shame at carrying any debt, even student debt, which made me feel even less competent and disempowered."

Megan W
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"If this program can help me, as deeply adverse to numbers as I still am, it can help anyone. Truly. I've not tried other finance/ investing training programs. I've signed up for financial newsletters but... Newsletters don't explain things in a manner I truly understand. Nor are they value based. I didn't even know about value-based investing until Dow Janes."

Clare D
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"My favorite part has been opening my investment account, choosing the right investments for me and seeing my money grow. I wish more women would have this knowledge and could start investing."

Layane S
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"For the first time in my life I am excited about money and feel confident in my financial future."

Lizzie C
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I now have awareness of where my money is going and less fear about facing where I am at this point. It is bringing in reality, light, and some order. It is increasing my confidence and courage. Digging deep is hard. The psychological aspects of this program, well, GENIUS, Britt and Laurie-Anne!"

Jenny G
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I now feel more secure in myself and my ability to take care of my financial needs and my household. I realize that these skills I'm learning now are essential to living a happy, confident, adult life. I'll never go back to the way I was before. Financial health is important to me and I learned I can do it! It's given me the tools to teach my child too."

Rebecca V.
Happy Million Dollar Year program participant Rebecca
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I joined the Million Dollar Year because I felt in the dark about my finances - money just came and went. I wanted to feel confident about my spending habits and my savings and retirement vision. This course totally changed my perspective and relationship to money, gave me really tangible tools to take control of my finances, and granted me clarity on large financial goals. LOVED IT! Couldn't recommend making the choice to put in the effort and take this course more!"

Happy Million Dollar Year Participant Lauren C
Lauren C.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I was scared of stocks and bonds and now I can have a semi intelligent conversation with a professor of economics!I finally invested 10k in stocks and ETFs and it has already grown.  The best part of your program is your positive and enthusiastic approach to it all!"

Azin V
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"As I had done my entire life, I was living paycheck to paycheck. Now I have started living in a way that I am saving and am seeing the possibility of more options to grow my money in the future. I am now living so differently when it comes to money. My mindset has changed completely!"

Ivy M.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I joined MDY to address my anxiety about money and to better understand how it works because we, as women, don't talk about money! And now I want to. :) This team is kind, encouraging, thoughtful, and sooooo smart and knowledgeable. They do an excellent job of walking with you every step of the way. I am learning so much and feeling more confident after each lesson or call. I especially appreciate that every step has action items and ways to engage in the community so there is positivity, built-in accountability, and you're not alone in this learning process! I highly recommend the program!!"

Happy Million Dollar Year Participant Jen
Jen M.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"This has been eye opening for me… I could never figure out where my money went until now. Tracking everything has given me so much peace and the tools have been phenomenal."

Holly D.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I wasn’t really connected with my money, and I realize I’ve been running the same patterns over and over again.  Thinking about an actual relationship with money is a game changer"

Yasmin F.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"Million Dollar Year helps me see how I can work with my money, instead of just working FOR it. Money is becoming like a third arm-amplifying what I can do."

Sofia G.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"My relationship with money is so much healthier and more transparent. I would have just kept digging myself deeper and deeper into debt if I didn't have the course to teach me how to take a hard look at my money habits. I finally feel like I have a strong grip on my cash flow!"

Marianne B.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"MDY has helped me face my ideas about money head on and challenge those ideas so that I can live a life more in line with what I actually want. It has helped me gain clarity over our finances and start to feel confident about how to go about prioritizing what we use our money for so we feel good about our choices. I feel less guilt about making purchases and much more in control of what's happening with my money and in my life in general."

Elena R.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"This course is packed with actionable tools to change our mindset and create a new reality for ourselves. No cost will ever cover what we can gain while going through MDY. Wherever you are at financially, MDY will help you in a very simple and understandable way. And the community is amazing to bring support when we get into our own way. 1000% recommend it!"

Rebecca H.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

""I talk about Dow Janes and this program obsessively. My friends and family know you by name! Once in a while I make a decision that deeply changes my life. This program has certainly been one of them. I’m so grateful to be part of this community.""

Crystal R.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"When I started the course I had such a negative money-mindset.  It was hard.  I now have a real understanding of debt, investing and budgeting with a plan in place to work towards my goals.  It feels sooooo good to have this new useful and very hands-on knowledge!"

Aimee C.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I am so grateful for the MDY community. I have longed for a trusted resource to ask silly questions, learn from other's experiences, and troubleshoot around financial pathways. Participating in the coursework has elevated my financial literacy and given me the backbone I needed to make a change for our family."

Erin O.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I am able to put into words how I feel about money, to recognize patterns and habits that aren't helpful, and to put habits into place to change my future for the better.."

Charlene B.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I am EXCITED about caring for my money and what it does for me. I am able to be honest with myself about my past mistakes and am actively changing my financial picture."

Kelly C.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I feel empowered to have difficult conversations with MYSELF. And getting honest with myself is allowing me the courage to get honest with my husband. It’s fantastic!"After the revealing of my subconscious beliefs -- I got my eyes opened real wide to what I was carrying. How could I leave my kids this kind of legacy? It has empowered me to acknowledge my fear when checking my accounts - and choose a clarified and continually clarifying money persona that feels RIGHT for me. If I have gone around carrying all these attachments to scarcity beliefs, to get clear, heal, and empower myself to move in ways that are beneficial and uplifting to me and my family means so much to me."

Leslie S.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"The Healing stage transformed my relationship with money. I am only a month into the program, on stage 3 Grounding, and my life has already changed 180 degrees. I no longer avoid 'dealing' with money. I now crave to learn how to make money work for me. Lean into the process, trust these women, they know what they're talking about. The investment in yourself will be immeasurable.!"

Kristin F.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I am in control of my finances and this is amazing. I know my budget and what I can spend and save with it , and this is freedom ! I am in control of my finances and I started making smarter financial decisions . As a result of seeing my growth , my husband decided to delegate all his income to me and now we save even more!"

Carmen G.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"This program is the real deal. It's not just a "money mindset" course that may or may not get you results. Yes, you'll work on your relationship with money, but you'll do so knowing that you will also learn practical, tangible skills for getting out of debt and growing your net worth."

Katherin E.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"The peace of mind of no surprises. When I look at my money each week I catch mistakes (double charges, fees, etc) and I'm never shocked to see the balance of my credit card or my retirement account. It's good to know my numbers. It's made me feel GOOD about spending money when I know a purchase/experience is in line with my values. I used to just always be nervous about big ticket spends despite how necessary or beneficial the purchase."

Lydia K.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I often find my questions are answered by listening in! I am finding I love Dow Janes...the upbeat, holistic approach to money with the focus on compassion, encouragement, hope and wonderful knowledge is just a fantastic combination! I am learning so much and am excited about my future (even though I am almost 69!) I am finding my membership has already made a significant difference in my financial picture and most importantly, my sense of self esteem. I never learned much about managing money and I love the simple, structured steps to the program. God bless you all!"

Janet R.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I haven’t missed a week of my ritual once since I started! I truly look forward to it and will keep it for the rest of my life. This has helped me know how much to have in an emergency fund, how to organize my accounts into checking, future spending, and emergency fund for personal, and separately for business. With this clarity, and intentionally saving my money most of the year, I was confidently able to pull the trigger, leave my 9-5, and start my own business!"

Angela S.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"The best part of the program is the confidence I've gained and the awareness. I've made changes to improve my financial plan for the future. My partner and I are getting a better handle on how we want our future to look and building the skills to reach it. We had a budget friendly easter with family and we've significantly cut back on take out! Don't let the price tag deter you. The program is so rewarding, enjoyable and worth more than the price tag (dare I say, priceless!)"

Mina B.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I have more confidence around the ability to make and manage money! I know money itself is triggering for many of us. As a business owner, I've never had problems "wanting" to make money, just figuring out ways to make it grow for myself without feeling selfish or incapable. You know - shame comes into the picture, as though I don't deserve to have money because there is something wrong with me. Instead, through reframing my thoughts and by witnessing the success of other MDY participants, I now know it is possible to have wealth and to grow it without shame. Do it, friend! Just like anything, growth is difficult but necessary, and MDY encourages growth from a safe, supportive place. No one is there to "shame" you for anything; we're all in this path of growth together and are always cheering each other on."

Meghan F.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I actually ENJOY managing my money now. I really hated looking at my accounts before, but now I look at them with curiosity. It's like I'm playing a game to see how fast I can make my money grow. I check in on everything a few times a week as I listen to recordings in the training vault and balance my budget to see how I can do better each week. Am I...enjoying adulting? I never thought I'd see the day.The day I joined the masterclass with Britt and Laurie-Ann, I was really just thinking about punting it a few months because I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the money on the course just yet. I took a leap of faith and joined and think all the time about how I'm SO glad I didn't wait. It's already changing my life in so many ways just four months in. No regrets! I tell all my friends about it."

Emily F.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I have learned acceptance of where I am now and I have found myself wanting to learn more about my finances. I am really thinking about do I need that subscription? What opportunities do I have to start a side hustle or two. I feel a bit less stressed around my current financial situation. I know it can only get better"

Simone C.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I have left behind the scarcity mindset and am now more conscientious of how I spend and treat my money. I have decided to set myself up for success and be honest about where I have messed up in the past, and that awareness will allow me to be better going forward. I can achieve my financial and life goals, I just need to keep the finances in focus instead of ignoring them."

Stephanie H.
Five star review - happy clients - icon purple

"I talk about Dow Janes and this program obsessively. My friends and family know you by name! Once in a while I make a decision that deeply changes my life. This program has certainly been one of them. I’m so grateful to be part of this community."

happy dow janes million dollar year participant crystal
Crystal R.

DISCLAIMER: This content is provided for educational purposes only. Dow Janes does not provide individual investment advice. You are solely responsible for the financial decisions you make. Dow Janes makes no guarantees of results or investment income.